Hedgerow Heroes planting starts in Chester
CPRE works with The Conservation Volunteers to plant a new stretch of hedgerow beside the canal at the Countess of Chester Country Park
We’re delighted to report that our long-awaited hedgerow planting scheme has finally got underway!
With funding from National CPRE, volunteers will be planting new hedgerows and improving existing hedgerows in need of maintenance over the coming months.

The start of planting was delayed owing to the very wet weather making it impossible to lift the hedging whips from the ground until late November.

Volunteers from Merseyside came along to the Countess of Chester Country Park to plant the first stretch of hedgerows, led by TCV’s Ruth Parle.

In the new year, we are looking forward to local school groups coming along to lend a hand with the planting and to find out more about the importance of hedgerows for wildlife, biodiversity, and for their role in mitigating climate change. This is part of CPRE’s #40by50 campaign, which aims to boost the length of hedgerow in the country by 40% by 2050.